Токіо, Японія: нові односімейні будинки повинні бути обладнані фотоелектричними установками
2022.Sep 14
According to reports, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government of Japan plans to install photovoltaic panels on new single-family houses in the capital to help achieve the goal of halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The plan to amend the relevant regulations will be proposed at the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly in December. After the regulations are passed, they will go into effect after a two-year publicity period.

As a policy goal, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government proposes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1 in 2000 by 2030. As of 2020, the emissions of offices and logistics-related industrial sectors are lower than in 2000, while the household sector has increased by 30% and has been slow to respond. Therefore, as an emission reduction measure for the household sector, new residential buildings will be required to be equipped with photovoltaic panels.

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's system plan, the requirement to install photovoltaic panels is a requirement for single-family house developers who sell houses, not for people who buy houses. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government envisages targeting the top 50 companies with the largest number of single-family housing developers operating in the city.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government stated that if this measure is introduced, Tokyo will become the first city in Japan to require the installation of photovoltaic power generation systems such as single-family houses. The basic policy states that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will submit a draft revision of the ordinance to the Metropolitan Assembly in December 2022, and if passed, will strive to implement it from April 2025.

Крім того, за два роки до впровадження нових правил столичний уряд приділятиме пильну увагу дослідженню того, як забезпечити допоміжну підтримку з точки зору вартості встановлення фотоелектричних систем виробництва електроенергії, управління обслуговуванням після встановлення тощо, а також забезпечить підтримку встановлення фотоелектричних систем виробництва електроенергії. та підготовлені суб’єкти для надання допомоги для поглиблення розуміння нових заходів серед населення та суб’єктів.

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